Highlighting Your Natural Beauty: Traditional Highlights vs. Balayage
There are several methods to get highlights. There are the classic highlights, and then there’s Balayage. To figure out which method is best, you need to understand the difference between traditional highlights and Balayage.
Highlighting Your Hair
Balayage highlights in Denver
Adding highlights to your hair will enhance your natural locks and compliment the shape of your face. Each highlighting method is meant to appear natural and easy. There are several methods, so let’s look at the two most popular: Traditional Highlights vs. Balayage.
Traditional Highlights
Highlights aren’t just streaks of blonde meant to contrast your darker base tones. Highlights are a way to add dimension to your natural color. For the most natural highlights, you need to create a lighter and softer shade that complements your base color, and then highlight small sections of hair evenly from the root to the tip. Experienced stylists will be able to perfectly place each highlight for the most desirable effect.
Traditional highlights vs. Balayage
Simply put, Balayage means “to sweep” and that’s exactly how the highlights are applied. Once you’ve got the perfect light shade to highlight your hair, your stylists will sweep the dye onto your hair, like a painter. Unlike traditional highlights, Balayage allows for a natural progression from light to dark, as the dye is placed mid-shaft, and not from root to tip like traditional highlights. This eliminates the frustrating grow-line.
Which Highlighting Method is Best?
Choosing the best highlighting method depends on the effect you are looking for. Traditional highlights will give you a more intense highlight and a bigger contrast. Balayage is a more free-form application and will, therefore, give more subtle results. If you’re looking for a naturally sunkissed look, go for the Balayage. Balayage also requires less maintenance. However, if you’re looking to accentuate your natural color and help frame and shape your face, then go for traditional highlights.Ergun Tercan European Salon offers the latest highlighting and coloring methods by the best stylists in Denver. Our stylists are trained in the latest techniques, like Balayage, to enhance your natural locks with natural and beautiful highlights.